1. 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 OGC Standards
      1. Introduction to OGC
      1. 1.1.1 Web Mapping Service
        1. Introduction to WMS
        2. WMS Examples
      1. 1.1.2 Web Feature Service
        1. Introduction to WFS
        2. WFS Examples
      1. 1.1.3 Web Coverage Service
        1. Introduction to WCS
        2. WCS Examples
      1. 1.1.4 Web Processing Service
        1. Introduction to WPS
        2. WPS Examples
    1. 1.2 CAAML
      1. Introduction to CAAML
    1. 1.3 INSPIRE
      1. Introduction to INSPIRE
  1. 2. Standards in action
    1. 2.1 Prepare data and toolkit
      1. Data and geospatial tools
      2. Start the environment
      1. 2.1.1 Manage the data
        1. Load Data
        2. Clean Data
      1. 2.1.2 Design the CAAML schema
        1. CAAML model design
        2. Populate Region
    1. 2.2 Build CAAML with GeoAvalanche
      1. Configure the application schema for CAAML
      2. Push the configuration to GeoAvalanche
      3. Query our Region features
  1. 3. Main Chapter
    1. Lesson Six

Configure the application schema for CAAML

Configure the mapping

Our goal is to build a mapping between the schema that has been implemented in the caaml_data database and our small portion of the EAWS CAAML schema CAAMLv5_BulletinEAWS_GA.xsd.

Open Hale Studio for the goal of this section:


Check the GeoAvalanche compatibility mode

If we want to work with the GeoAvalanche server in order to upload the mapping configuration of CAAML as new GML application schema datastore we have to double check that Hale is properly set up and the compatibility mode is on. Select TransformationCompatibility modeGeoServer from the menu. You should see Geo appearing close to a green tick mark icon at the status bar on the bottom right side:

compatibility hale

Mapping strategy

  • one-to-one relation between source types and the correspondent target type will be established using the Retype function. In this basic example, the caaml_Region source type has a simple correlation to the Region target type, so that we can expect for each record in the caaml_Region table a correspondent Region feature has to be created in order to support the EAWS CAAML schema
  • Once the Retype relation has been created we want to map the properties from the source table to the XML properties of the target

Things can be a little more complex for complex relations like Bulletin, BulletinMeasurements and LocationCollection, just to mention few, but the concept of mapping would still continue to be valid.

Configure source and target schema

Set the source schema

source hale

Define the source as a JDBC connection:

source connection hale

Once imported the source then edit the relevant source types of interest:

edit source hale

And choice what you are interested in mapping, for now just caaml_Region is fine:

choice types hale

Set the target schema

target hale

Define the source as a file resource (the modified XSD CAAML schema is part of the data package):

target file hale

Then click on Next

setting target hale

Finally click on Finish

Configure the relation between source and target entities

We will now define the caaml_RegionRegion relation (our case is the simplest one):

set relation hale

  • Select the caaml_Region type in the Source section of the Schema Explorer view;

  • Select the Region type in the Target section of the Schema Explorer view

  • Click on the blue bi-directional arrow icon in between the Source and Target sections of the Schema Explorer view and select Retype from the popup menu

select retype hale

Verify from the popup window that the entities are those previously selected and click on the button Next and then Finish on the next window.

new retype hale

A new retype mapping will be added in the Assignment view.

Configure the relation between source and target properties

Once the type relation have been assigned, it is time to configure the relations between source and target properties.

ID property as Formatted String

The mapping between the source and target is not completely done because we want more. Specifically we'd like to have a reword of the GML identification id of the Region feature. Effectively we want to end up to something like this:

<caaml:Region gml:id="region.IT1">

In order to achieve that we have to add a new mapping property:

  • Expand the list under the caaml_Region and Region types, then select the ID attribute from the Source type of the Schema Explorer view and finally select id attribute from the Target type of the Schema Explorer view:

ID retype hale

then click on Formatted String item

ID selection retype hale

double check source and target variables then click Next

ID formatted retype hale

assign the format pattern for the retype which is in our case region.{ID}

ID formatted string hale

you finally should see a new mapping item in the Alignment view

General properties as Rename

We want then to configure the remaining properties as a simple pass through from source to target type. So we can see how it works for one of them and then apply the concept to the rest.

Let's apply the Rename to description:

  • Expand the list under the caaml_Region and Region types, then select the description attribute from the Source type of the Schema Explorer view and finally select description attribute from the Target type of the Schema Explorer view:

description rename hale

then click on Rename item

description selection rename hale

double check source and target property then click Next

description selection rename hale

Leave parameters as it is and click Finish

description renamed hale

You should now see the Alignment view updated with the Rename mapping for description. Then it's just a matter of applying the same to all properties from the source type.